Each year I find it is great to spend a little time bouncing ideas off some colleagues. When it is done in a different country, surrounded by people who inspire you and with a beautiful model, it makes the trip all the more enjoyable.
The first picture of Sonia, a professional singer and part-time model was taken in the Portuguese Photographic Museum. This is situated in an old prison. Now, please do not ready any symbolism into the fact that she is in a wedding dress in a prison (like some of my more cynical friends did!). During these pictures it was quite amusing to have a bunch of Portuguese photographers hanging over my shoulder replicating what I was doing. I expect there are some very similar images to mine on a few Portuguese photographers websites by now!!!
A video light held by our Host Jose, provided the angelic halo behind Sonia.

The second image is probably my favourite and was taken on the top of a fabulous bridge with Sonia dancing madly along the tram lines. Several times we had to jump out of the way or we may have had a very different set of pictures indeed! This was taken just after the sun had gone down to our right hand side. It made a spectacular sunset over the Douro Valley but I am more of a people photographer than a landscape so concentrated on our model than the scenery.What a true professional hey?

The model shoot day was my personal highlight. Followed closely by a trip to see FC Porto fall the way so many other teams have fallen over the years. Crashing out of a major cup to a robotic well-drilled German team on penalties. FC Shalke04 were the victors this time. The German fans were in fine voice all day with their songs resonating right across the River Douro to where we were enjoying the delights of the Sandemans PORT tour (and subsequent free samples!).
Hopefully my clients this year will benefit from me taking time out to practice my skills. It always amazes me that so many 'professional' photographers never take any time to improve or try out new ideas in their own time. It is often done with their clients as guinea pigs. Can you imagine a Premiership footballer never practicing their penalties until in a penalty shoot-out... Come to think of it , maybe that is why the Germans always win!!!
Back to reality and some more lovely weddings.
Luv gav x
Gavin Woollard Essex Wedding Photography - Reportage Photography